
If you are seeking a full cosmetic makeover, dental veneers could be a great option for you. Dr. Jon C. Bauman, our skilled dentist, may suggest that dental veneers are a good choice for you if you want to achieve a straight, white, and symmetrical smile. Dental veneers are thin shells made of porcelain that are carefully attached to the front of your teeth to enhance the appearance of your smile. Dental veneers can be used to correct a range of cosmetic flaws, such as:

  • Broken, chipped, or fractured teeth

  • Worn and dull teeth

  • Stained and discolored teeth

  • Wide gaps between teeth

  • Crooked and uneven teeth

  • Misshapen teeth

Veneers are commonly used for many or all of your teeth, but they can also be used to correct a single damaged tooth. For a single veneer, Dr. Jon C. Bauman can carefully match the color of the veneer to your natural teeth to achieve a better aesthetic. We use the latest technology at Riverdale Dental Center in order to create custom veneers that are strong, aesthetically pleasing, and built to last for years.

If you want to achieve a beautiful new smile in just a few visits to our office, dental veneers in Brighton, Colorado, might be the right decision for you. We welcome you to visit or call our office to learn more about how porcelain veneers can benefit your smile.