Cosmetic Bonding

Cosmetic bonding is a treatment that is designed to give you a more attractive smile in just one comfortable visit to Riverdale Dental Center. Cosmetic bonding is a more affordable alternative to veneers and other more complex cosmetic dental treatments. Bonding is also a more conservative option because it requires little or no alteration to your existing teeth. Cosmetic bonding can offer aesthetic as well as functional value, and it is also a good option to cover any exposed tooth roots.

Dr. Jon C. Bauman may suggest that cosmetic bonding is a good idea if you wish to correct any of the following cosmetic flaws:

  • Gaps and spaces between teeth

  • Stained, yellow, or discolored teeth

  • Irregularly shaped teeth

  • Cracked or chipped teeth

Our talented dentist will bond a composite resin to the natural tooth structure to correct any of these flaws. The composite resin we use is a tooth-colored material that we carefully match to the natural color of your teeth or make whiter to suit your preferences. The result of cosmetic bonding is a beautiful and natural-looking smile. Cosmetic bonding in Brighton, Colorado, can be completed in as little as one visit to Riverdale Dental Center. For more information about how cosmetic bonding can enhance your smile, we invite you to call or visit our office today.